The autoBOOK software provides you with a complete, searchable, fully cross-referenced database and tool set on your Windows desktop, laptop or tablet. This software is optimized for ease-of-use and instantly available results. No internet connection is required.
The 2020 autoBOOK Codes of New York integrates the 2018 International Codes
with the 2020 New York State modifications, eliminating the need to constantly refer to multiple volumes. Marginal "NY" notations indicate the changes to the International Code that are specific to New York State.
System Requirements:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 or newer (Windows 10 recommended), Microsoft Server 2008 or newer (Server 2012 R2 or newer recommended).
Disk Space: 400MB (200MB installation file and 200MB installed program).
VGA Monitor, mouse and keyboard
A 30-day trial license is available. Click here to apply.
Now available from New York Legal Publishing Corp the autoBOOK 2020 Codes of New York State contains the 9 new
Building related Codes of New York with additional value added material:
2018 International Building Code as adopted by NY State
2018 International Existing Building Code as adopted by NY State
2018 International Residential Code as adopted by NY State
2018 International Energy Conservation Code as adopted by NY State
2018 International Property Maintenance Code as adopted by NY State
2018 International Fire Code as adopted by NY State
2018 International Plumbing Code as adopted by NY State
2018 International Mechanical Code as adopted by NY State
2018 International Fuel Gas Code as adopted by NY State
For information about the New York City Building Codes see Building CodeSearch
For a graphical demonstration of features and functions click here.
NOTE: The product data is encrypted and cannot be accessed without a license key, which also determines the operating parameters of the software.
Please note: If the 2020 Edition is already installed, it will be updated to September 2022, if not, a full installation will be performed.
The Windows Start Menu will show the program listed under "Autobook", not "NYCODE".
Configuration instructions are included in the Installation file and appear during installation and in the app menu. Installs to a new directory, and will not overwrite any prior installation.
Configuration instructions are included in the Installation file and appear during installation and in the app menu. Installs to a new directory, and will not overwrite the 2010 or 2015 Code. NOTE: It will update the October 2017 Edition to the latest version, so that the top of the Table of Contents reads: "Updated through January 31, 2019".
Instructions (new installations) open in your browser or Adobe Acrobat. Save or print.
For additional product and multiple site network license pricing please
call (518) 459-1100 or toll free (800) 541-2681, extension 13; or by
email at